What is Funnelcast and how is it different?
Introducing Funnelcast
Current sales forecasting tools are great at helping B2B companies understand what to expect for the current quarter. But these tools fall short in long-range sales planning and optimization. For this, they provide only basic reporting summaries which are not reliable for planning. This shortfall drives low sales productivity because businesses overcommit, overstaff, and work on the wrong opportunities. Funnelcast helps B2B sellers improve productivity, right-goal, right-staff, and right-focus.
If you are using a sales forecasting tool then the Funnelcast application is highly complementary because it will transform your long-term sales forecasting and resource planning. It fills the void by answering questions like:
What can we realistically expect this year, and next?
How much demand generation do we need to support our plan?
Where should we reallocate resources to increase sales?
Funnelcast users have realized as much as 30% growth and 50% reduction in cost of sales by answering these questions.
If you don’t already use a sales forecasting tool, then Funnelcast will transform your short- and long-term sales forecasting, and resource planning with:
Turnkey forecasting: yielding more time selling, less time forecasting
Early visibility: on day-one of your quarter, and year
Timely corrective actions: of your sales process, market focus, opportunity timing
Funnelcast is a SaaS-based machine learning application powered by a deep analysis of your historic conversion rates. We turn your CRM data into realistic forecasts and easily interpretable summaries that power sales resource optimizations, help you sell more, and show you how to maximize enterprise value.
Watch our explainer video below.
How is Funnelcast different from others?
Funnelcast is built for sales and marketing optimization. Other vendors provide sales dashboards, summary statistics, and current quarter forecasts. But they are limited in their ability to deliver predictions and inferences beyond the current quarter. When you forecast for the current quarter, there are many signals that are widely used by sales analytics tools to predict if an opportunity is going to close. Beyond the end of the quarter, most of these signals become nearly meaningless. Another approach is needed.
Funnelcast uses a unique and better way to model sales processes from CRM data—that produces actionable insights and realistic forecasts over short- and long-timeframes to drive real sales resource and process optimizations.